The buartnut is a hybrid cross of the butternut and the heartnut. Trees exhibit disease resistance, hybrid vigor, and bear large crops. Some nuts are very unusual.
14 to 20" $34.00 ea
418.00 ea
The buartnut is a hybrid cross of the butternut and the heartnut. Trees exhibit disease resistance, hybrid vigor, and bear large crops. Some nuts are very unusual.
14 to 20" $34.00 ea
418.00 ea
Large growing tree with bark turning to a whitish colour as tree matures. Most trees are from the Carpathian strain, unless otherwise noted. Very hardy. Hybrids were obtained from Germany, China, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Korea.
Varieties: car6,car23,car36,car34,car42. Hybrids from Countries listed above.
8 - 12" $14.00 ea
13 - 18" 24.00 ea
19 - 24" 30.0 0 ea
Very fast growing, hardy, tropical in appearance. The nuts hang in clusters, similar to grapes, with up to 20 nuts in a cluster. Usually grows wider than taller, but some varieties produce good timber type trees. Taste is mild, somewhat like the nut pines, but do not have the nutritional value the nut pines have. Selected from superior varieties. The heartnut is low in cholestrol and high in protein and filled with antitoxants.
3 years $16.00 ea
4 years 22,00
5 years 30.00
A very hardy Northern variety of pecan. Our selection was located in an area north of Chicago which has produced ultra size of nuts each year for the past several years. The nuts are well filled and the kernel is very tasty. We now offer these very productive tree as the best selection from our many trials from over 40 yeae plus.
Sub-artic, CAR3,CAR9,CAR34
10 - 12" sold out
13-16" sold out
17-24" sold out
Favorite of the hickories. Fast growing tree. Noted for its bark as tree matures.
Empress, Havenstock, CAR3,CAR&,CAR24,CAR32
12 - 17" $16.00 ea
18 - 22" 24.00
24- 28' 32.00
It resembles the shagbark in its shaggy trunk and elongate scaly buds. The leaves typically have five leaflets. This is a fine specimen tree which should be used more for landscaping and nuts are appealing as well. Large size nuts - up to 3/4" D.
8 - 12" $14.00 ea
13 - 20" 20.00
21-29 32.00
Large tree with tropical like leaves. The tree is very handsome and distinguished and should be used more for landscaping and ornamental purposes. Produces the largest of the hickory nuts with all reaching or exceeding the size of the black walnut nut. As trees mature, bark flakes similar to shagbark hickory. We originally selected superior King nut trees and obtained seed and seedlings from the State of Missouri. The orchard is now 40 years of age and have been producing large crops of nuts for the past 34 years.
Axworthy, CAR5,CAR7,CAR9,CAR12
8 - 12" $16.00 ea
14 - 20" 20.00
22-29 29.00
Bush type grows to 15 to 26 feet. Nuts are medium to large with well filled tasty nuts. May be planted in rows, spaced at 7 -9 feet in a row.
We proudily introduce 2 new selections of hazelnuts hybrids tso add to the collection listed below.
cr-artic gem, car17
Listed below is a brief history on hazelnut introduction into Canada as a commercial crop.
Starting with British Columbia as it is the only commericial enterprize that has endured any significant impact to date. Planting of orchards relied on selections of Corylus Avellanda (european strain) nursery stock. It is a well known fact that this strain is highly succeptable to the eastern blight which will eventually kill the trees. The blight did infest the orchards and many plantings were completely lost.
Ontario growers have attempted twice to esablish these as a commercail crop.
Quebec, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia have developed several commercail orchards as well.
My study and experience in plant breeding which covers several decades is listed in condenced form summary here. My original work did consist of continuing the use of those nursery stock which contained the european and asian gene(highly succeptable to eastern blight) in thier makeup. After many failures. The conclusion to completely remove any of the unwanted genes was a necessity. To accomplish this I carried out many open and closed pollination using the several clones of hazelnut varieties. Beaked hazel is well- known fact that these are immune to the blight. Through many different climatic zones testing. I now introduce the following:
cr-artic-gem, car-7
which joins the following: car12,car14,car18,car28,car49car69,car77,car86,car97, car109,car198,car267, car399,car401,car404,car410,car478
All of the above varieties are suitable for planting, as they are completely blight resistance. No need for chemical control!
12-18" $18.00 ea
19-26" $26.00 ea
27-34"` 32.00
35-48" sold out
Note: See Hybrid oak listed below. (extemely low tannin content - edible right from the tree!)
Tree to 60 feet. Shrubby when Young, eventually a large tree bearing heavy crops of good tasting nuts.
Limited supply.
6 -12" $14,00 ea
14 - 24" 24.00
21 - 34" 32.00
Tree type of hazel. Unusual bark appearance with mottled streaks. Very ornamental in appearance. As tree matures the bark becomes a grayish mottled appearance. Some training required to maintain tree form in early years. Mature height to 80 feet+. Nuts are medium to large with a true filbert taste. Blight resistant. Very limited supply.
9 - 14" $22.00 ea
15 - 22" 30.00
Tree type form. Grows to maturity at 90 - 120 feet. Bark on tree is unusual with a gray to white mottled appearance. As trees mature they take on the appearance of an upright narrow tree, but producing abundant amounts of sweet tasting nuts. Good for landscaping and ornamental purposes. Somewhat blight resistant
4 - 8" $24.00 ea
12 - 18" 30.00
20-26 44.00
Tree type of hazelnut, originally from Jack Gellatly in British Columbia (source India).. Typical tree type of hazelnut with unusual bark which makes it such an outstanding tree. Needs some pruning to maintain tree type, but minimal. Blight resistant.
9 - 12" $24.00 ea
14-25" 32.00
26-35" 42.00
A selection from Germany. Originated in the Carpathian Mountains. Outstanding features of this bush type of hazel is that the leaves in the spring are a deep purple and extremely large leaves. A good producer of large size nuts. Rare and outstanding specimen.
10 - 20" $28.00 ea
22 28" 36.00
30 36" 46.00
Very hardy!
Trees are upright in growth habit and producer of exceptionally large nuts. Early bearing and outstanding trait of this variety.. Their consistent yearly crop of large sweet nuts provides high quality food, not only for human consumption, but also favoured for deer, turkey, bear and many other game and non-game species. NOTE: unable to ship to United States
8 - 12" 22.00
13 - 20" 32.00
21 - 30" 42.00
32-58" sold out
Trees are very ornamental in appearance and as they reach the age of bearing nuts (usually 7 years) the blossoms produce a very sweet fragrance. With its long leaves and sizable crown, it casts deep shade. Produces a sweet tasting nut. Nuts of certain varieties can be eaten raw. Others require roasting either over a fire or 1 minute in a microwave oven. Somewhat resistance to the chestnut blight, but is not totally immune. NOTE; unable to ship to United States.
Varieties: numbered varieties we have tested for production, size, hardiness, and blight resistance. casr4,car8,car27,car33,car25
8 - 12" 14.00
13 - 20" 22.00
21 - 36" 32.00
37 - 55" sold out
Tree appearance is very ornamental. Very graceful. Produces large to extra large size nuts.
Bearing age is usually between 5 and 7 years.
Our selections were taken from the largest nuts we could find from different sources and after testing, we have some numbered varieties which have shown superior size of nuts, good tree form and best immunity from the blight. NOTE; unable to ship to United States
8 - 12" $27.00 ea
13 - 20" 32.00
Native chestnut tree to North America. Majestic tree with its great height. We have searched and selected for the past number of years for trees that have not shown any blight. Most were isolated trees from different areas. The nuts are smaller than Chinese or Japanese Chestnuts, but we find they are more tasty than the others. We have a limited supply of these superior trees for sale. Selected from superior trees with some blight resistance.
NOTE' unable to ship to United States
6 - 12" 26.00
14 - 18" 32.00
19 - 34" 45.00
The tree is noted for its timber value, but is a good producer of fine edible nuts. The selections we have made were based on the timber type of growth, as well as size, thickness of shell and taste. We also one selection of a hybrid which produces a good timber like growth as well as producing a thin shelled nut, with the kernel having a mild like flavour. We have grown these in a test orchard now for over 25 years, and they have outperformed any of the named cultivars that we had tried. They produce a regular crop each year. car6,car9,car24,car78,car92
8 - 12" $14.00 ea
13 - 20" $22.00 ea
21 - 36" $32.00 ea
Will grow into a large tree at maturity. Noted for its light textured coloured wood.
Produces large size nuts with a very distinct flavour. Grows in a wide variety of soils.
Varieties: car4,car12,car45,car67
14 - 20" $29.00 ea
Small Chinese native tree having leaves recalling sorbus, and striking one-inch flowers borne in erect clusters. Blooms are cream and yellow and develop a bright red centre as they age. The tree is noted for its landscape capacity. It produces edible nuts which can be eaten raw or roasted. Not only are the nuts beneficial, but the leaves and other parts of trees are used for medicinal purposes. They are being cultivated extensively as an oilseed tree to make biofuel. The tree tolerates alkaline soil and is hardy to -35 degrees F. Prefers full sun and dry soil.
Note: unable to ship to United States
2 year transplants spring 2025
Terrifically fast upright grower. Foliage large leafed of rich dark green. Places well among other foliage in autumn for its deep green contrast. Timbers rates with white. Fruit large, sweet cup oddly whiskered.
5 - 9" $22.00 ea
10 - 20" $38.00 ea
A cross between the sweet chinquapin x sweet burr oak x -- . Prolific producer of very thin shelled nuts. Medium size nuts. If your’re looking for a real timber type tree to supply acorns. LOW IN TANNON, I have eaten right from the tree while harvesting! No problem. In fact, a sustitute for the Corylus, ( Hazelnut or filbert) in taste. No leaching required! Needs little maintenance, once established. Ripens later than hazelnuts. A good substitute where the european blight (EBF) is prevelant. No need to apply harmful chemicals, such as copper sup. etc , to control disease. Al As its a hybrid it’s a terrific grower. (see hazelnut or filbert for other crops above)
5 - 12" 24.00 ea
13 - 20" 38.00 ea
22 - 36" 44,00 ea
After searching for many years for the ultimate beech, one which is upright, but most importantly produced the largest nuts. We found several trees which produced large to extra large size nuts. After test planting, research and other aspects we are now able to offer these trees on a limited basis for others to try. We have both varieties available - American and European.
10-12" $24.00 ea
13-22" $34.00 ea
Maximum height from 60 to 120 feet. Wide spreading crown. Dark green leaves turning golden-bronze in Fall. Its light gray coloured bark adds to its attractiveness. The nuts are large and have that special taste to them.
12 - 18" $24.00 ea
Also called Maidenhair tree. Fan shaped leaves turn clear yellow in fall. Grows best in well drained soil. Ginkgo is not infested with insect or disease. This tree takes about 10 years to produce fruit. Therefore we cannot distinguish between male and female plants.
14 - 18" 22.00 ea