Our Products


 Edible pine nut trees - Climatic zone - 3A - 9  Korean pine, Siberian pine (3 varieties)  Seed source (obtained from 1969 - on going) from these countries:  Mangola, Siberia, Russia, Northern china, Northern parts of Europe.

Other nut trees - climatic zone  4 - 9 Carpathian Walnut, buartnut, butternut, hybrid oak, Black walnut (source -Montana) far north hazelnut, sweet chestnut -Dunstan, American, chinese

Other nut trees - climatic zone  4b -9 Enlish walnut, heartnut, black walnut, beech, hickory, chestnut - Japanese Chestnut

minor fruits Amercian persimmons, paw paw, Corn.  cherry, elderberry, plus 5 others

hybrid Oak - (7 variestes)- selected for acorn production for personal and fodder for animals

Rare and Unusual trees -  selected for unusal defined bark, foliage, flowers, seed, and other noteworthy characteristics

Mcyhorizal fungus -originally deveoped for the edible pine nut trees as fungi attaching to feeder roots enabling feeder roots to draw nutrients from soil.  Non native pine trees is a "MUST" ,  trees will not survive without a treatment at planting time.  Other plants will benefit from an application.

Harvesting equipment - nut wizard - 6 distints sizes for either edible pine nut cones, and 5 other sizes of nuts ranging from black walnut down to beech nuts.  Other applications such as sports, etc. would apply in their unique pick-up and unloader ease.

Electrenic pest controls - controls pests,  such as: raccons, possum, squirrels,  mice,  birds,  and other rodents with a radius up to 1000 feet from equipment.

We do not sell any seed.  After our needs are fullfilled, I have a waiting list from many of my overseas affils.  in which I am involved in a seed sharing list from many Agriculture Departments of Home Countries.  We do have another list of person's wishing to exchange seed - we are behind by 3 years on this list.